Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 new things for New Year!

1) I should probably start wearing socks.

2) I should TRY to learn to switch off lights and heaters when leaving a room

3) I will learn how to get to Gurgaon without using the driver.

4) I will learn how to get to Noida, and find my way around the place.

5) I will learn how to whistle.

6) I'll tryyy not to spend my pre-paid money on one week....I think I wait...I'll see.

7) I WILL THINK BEFORE I ACT. (this should be number one!!!!!!!!!)

8) i will learn how to draw a cat

9) I'll try to learn how to skate.

10) I will not panic in idiotic situations. for eg. if I don't have a tag at the airport.

1 comment:

  1. AAAH!
    I like the third resolution the best. For obvious reasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And wait. I must figure out how to leave Gurgaon without a driver. Then, we can exchange notes!!!
