Thursday, March 31, 2011

So I saw Break Ke Baad.

So I watched Break ke Baad.
Did I like it?
How do I answer that question?
Here's what I could have done in those two hours.
-Water plants
-watch grass die.
-watch the guard and driver play cricket.
-Take out my Modwest textbook from my bag, consider studying it and then put it back.
-Visit the dentist, considering I'm five months late for my appointment.
-Give Phoebe a bath.
-Learn the recipe for my grandmother brilliant apple pie.
-cleaned up my desk.
-changed the batteries of my clocks which had been showing the wrong time for the last 10 months.
and many more.

I had heard mixed reviews about this movie. And they varied from ' Oh it was really amazing!' to 'Bleh. What a bore.' The second opinion seems to be closer to my opinion.
I died twice while watching the film.
Besides the ending seemed a tad confused. Suppose Aaliya hadn't realized her love for him, and didn't come back, then what would have been the point of the lavish decorations and the silk sherwani and the wedding card?
He would have looked rather sheepish then.
Again, Imran Khan makes me sad. I thought that after his previous washout of I hate Luv stories, there would be something nice about Break ke Baad.
The funny point of the film was when Lillette Dubey entered, and I screamed, "HAHA, I'VE MET YOU IN REAL LIFE!!!!!!"
I love those rare occasions when I've seen people in films AND in real life.

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